Marine Debris
Marine debris is a pressing issue in Átl’ḵa7tsem/Howe Sound. Each winter, large storms pass through our region, often knocking loose docks, vessels, and other large infrastructure in/near the water. This debris gets broken apart and moved around the Sound, sometimes causing damage as it does so.
When the weather calms in the spring and summer, we see a resurgence of clean-up efforts, often led by passionate community members. Clean-ups can be costly, and we want to provide support to these efforts.

Help us by donating to the Marine Debris Fund, which supports community-led removals of medium-sized debris from the Sound, when alternative funding routes and cleanup/salvage options fall short. Managed by the Howe Sound Biosphere Region Initiative Society, the Marine Debris Fund will help to cover costs incurred as a result of these clean-ups, such as disposal fees and gas costs.

Have you spotted marine debris in Átl’ḵa7tsem/Howe Sound? Please send us a report.
Community submissions help us develop a better understanding of the sources and accumulation patterns of marine debris in our region. Your data also helps inform targeted cleanups.
All submissions are automatically added to the Marine Reference Guide map here, and reviewed by the MSI team to help with further action when needed.
Thank you for your help in our data collection process!

Want to participate in local clean-up efforts as an individual or organization? We’ve created a document to help you get familiar with marine debris issues in Átl’ka7tsem/Howe Sound.
Learn more about marine debris

Marine debris map
See the marine debris layer on MSI’s Marine Reference Guide.

The Ocean Plastic Problem
Learn more about the ocean plastic problem from our partner, Ocean Legacy.

Resources for marine debris management in Átl'ka7tsem/Howe Sound
This compilation of resources is intended to serve as a starting point for individuals or organizations wishing to address marine debris issues in Átl’ka7tsem/Howe Sound.