Marine Reference Guide
Click the link below to explore our online interactive map.
The Marine Reference Guide is a product of the Átl’ka7tsem/Howe Sound Marine Stewardship Initiative. The Marine Reference Guide map contains hundreds of data layers and documents that describe Átl’ka7tsem/Howe Sound’s aquatic ecology, biophysical environment, administrative boundaries, and human uses. By visualizing how different data layers overlap in aquatic spaces, this interactive decision-support tool can be used to reduce user conflict and maximize community and ecosystem benefits. Our goal is for this map to support marine spatial planning and education, and to increase the holistic awareness of Átl’ka7tsem/Howe Sound – from the mountain top to the seafloor.

We do not wish to reinvent the wheel or work in a silo, our strength is in community, communication, and connectivity.
There are many existing models for integrated land-sea and marine spatial planning in British Columbia that we draw from to develop the Guide. In addition, our goal is to support regional initiatives with similar objectives of supporting decision-making, collaborative management, marine spatial planning, and community education. Below are some initiatives that we are learning from and partnering with.