About Us
We Have Created
- A Marine Reference Guide (interactive map) that displays data associated with Átl’ka7tsem’s ocean and watersheds. This will support decision-making, marine spatial planning, and community education by visualizing how human and natural systems interact and overlap
- Narrative resources and story maps that describe best practices to protect diverse economic, ecological, social, and cultural values associated with Átl’ka7tsem’s aquatic environment
- A community map that visualizes the diverse groups and organizations that connect and work with Átl’ka7tsem’s ocean and freshwater. This will support collaboration across Átl’ka7tsem’s aquatic rights-holders and stakeholders
Our Goal
is to share capacity to protect, restore, and be stewards of the health, biodiversity, and human values of the Sound’s aquatic environment. To accomplish this goal, First Nations, local and federal governments, and aquatic sectors (tourism, industry, recreation, conservation and education) are collaboratively leading and implementing the project. This project is non-binding and respects the rights and title, jurisdictions and processes of existing First Nations, governments, and sectors.

Our Work Takes Place
in the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Nation, who have stewarded the lands and waters of Átl’ka7tsem for thousands of years. Their culture, customs, language, traditional oral knowledge, and spirituality are rooted in the land and waters of this region. Given the connection of this project with their principles, the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Nation is engaged in the project’s leadership, steering, and management bodies.

Our Vision
is to bring communities together to achieve net positive outcomes for current and future generations of life in Átl’ka7tsem/Howe Sound.

Our Guiding Principles
Shared responsibility
First Nations, governments, marine sectors, and communities in Átl’ka7tsem acknowledge a shared responsibility for aquatic environmental health.
Ecosystem and watershed approach
The MSI acknowledges the intrinsic relationship between terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems. Accordingly, the MSI’s outcomes and processes will adopt an ecosystem approach that balances ecosystem function and connectivity with human activity on land and at sea. Additionally, we recognize the fact that our watersheds impact regional ocean health. Therefore, the watershed is considered within our scope, with the ocean at its core.
Adaptive process
The MSI will integrate local and traditional knowledge together with historic, industrial, ecological, and social information, and acknowledges that project objectives, processes, and outputs may change over time as available knowledge improves.
Two-eyed Seeing
The MSI acknowledges and incorporates a Two-eyed Seeing approach to research. Two-eyed Seeing provides a pathway to a plural coexistence where Indigenous knowledge systems can be paired with western scientific insights for an equitable and sustainable future for all.
The closer an environmental management organization is to the ecosystem, the greater the responsibility, ownership, accountability, participation, and use of local knowledge. Therefore, the MSI strives to operate by and for the communities that we live and operate within.
The natural world, First Nations’ traditional laws, rights and title, and the rights and responsibilities of aquatic sectors and regional residents are respected.
Operations and communications are clear, fair and open, and decision-making is accountable to the public and stakeholders.
Inclusivity & Trust
All sectors, communities, and persons impacted by this project will have the opportunity to participate in a fair and open manner in order to strengthen trust and respect within the Sound’s community.
Information to action
Upon gathering knowledge and reaching consensus, the decision-support tools created by the MSI will aim to transform knowledge to action. Outcomes will vary depending on the topic, and may include outreach events, dissemination of information, and hands-on activities.
The MSI is committed to reconciliation by recognizing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, building trust, partaking in ongoing dialogue, and conducting all project activities in collaboration with local Indigenous groups.
The MSI will conduct activities based on fair exchanges, achieving balance and harmony with diverse life-forms by integrating human behaviour with earth’s behaviour.
Our Guiding Principles
Shared responsibility
First Nations, governments, marine sectors, and communities in the Sound acknowledge a shared responsibility for aquatic environmental health.
Ecosystem and watershed approach
The Guide acknowledges the intrinsic relationship between terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystem components. Accordingly, the Guide’s outcomes and processes will adopt an ecosystem approach that balances ecosystem function and connectivity with human activity on land and at sea.
Adaptive process
The Guide will integrate local and traditional knowledge together with historic, industrial, ecological, and social information, and acknowledges that project objectives, processes and outputs will iterate over time as available knowledge continually improves.
The natural world, First Nations’ traditional laws, rights and title, and the rights and responsibilities of aquatic sectors and regional residents are respected.
Operations and communications are clear, fair and open, and decision-making is accountable to the public and stakeholders.
Inclusivity & Trust
All sectors, communities, and persons impacted by this project will have the opportunity to participate in a fair and open manner in order to strengthen trust and respect within the Sound’s community.
Information to action
Upon gathering knowledge and reaching consensus, the Guide will support the transformation of knowledge into action. Outcomes will vary depending on the topic, and may include outreach events, dissemination of information, and hands-on activities.
The Initiative is a project on MakeWay’s shared platform, which provides operational support, governance, and charitable expertise for changemakers. The shared platform enables more time and money to go towards achieving greater impact. MakeWay is a national charity that builds partnerships and solutions to help nature and communities thrive together.
MakeWay’s shared platform provides governance, human resources, financial, and grant management support for leading environmental and social projects across Canada, allowing projects to more effectively achieve their missions. MakeWay has full fiduciary and governance responsibility for the Átl’ka7tsem/Howe Sound Marine Stewardship Initiative.